Why can't I utilize my
faith in God and my understanding of the Scriptures in bringing the Lord's
healing to my emotional hurts?
He promises us His abundance (John
10:10); He has given us the Spirit "of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
(2 Timothy 1:7); We have been "set free from the law of sin and death" (Romans
8:2); and, "we are more
are more than
conquerors through him that loved us" (Romans 8:37).
Why then do I feel so empty?
Why do I feel so helpless?
Why do I feel so enslaved to my hurts and to my depression?
Why can't I experience the joy of the Lord that I see others
- Is there any hope for someone like me to
experience the fullness of Christ's love and joy?
Yes, there is hope for you - much hope.
The latest
discoveries in the Cognitive Sciences assist the Christian in the application of
their faith to their mental-emotional hurts? We are understanding more and more
just how the brain functions in creating thoughts and feelings. Through
this knowledge we are now gaining tools that assist us in bringing the Lord's
healing to our deep hurts which results in great freedom and deep joy. These
tools make Paul's admonition in Romans 12:1 a certain reality: "And be not
conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
We realize that many other
Christian ministers (Clergy and Laity) recognize the potential of integrating
these cognitive tools, the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit within the
context of Christian healing. This website is dedicated to that end. On this
site you will find many articles and techniques to assist you in applying
the Lord's Word to your hurts. There are links to many more articles and books that will provide you with guidance in
gaining the knowledge necessary to allow the Holy Spirit to be Lord of your
thoughts and your actions. You can take these same tools and teach others to do
the same.